Sticky things are everywhere. You and your child can experience this for yourselves if you spend a week discussing every sticky thing you encounter. For instance, if your child needs a Band-Aid®, you could talk about the "stickiness" of the adhesive. Why are Band-Aids sticky anyways? If you have a couple of different brands of Band-Aids in the house, you could compare them. Is one stickier than the other? Another time, if your child has had a particularly sticky snack, observe the stickiness on his or her hands and face before washing up. Other opportunities to observe stickiness include cooking and art activities involving tape or glue. Which is stickier?
When you are out and about with your child, you can also observe sticky things that you find outside. Spider webs, certain types of seeds (like maple seeds when you open them up), mud, and pinesap are all sticky. Discuss how stickiness helps animals or plants to survive. (By making a sticky web, a spider can catch its food. Some seeds are sticky so that they stay where they land in order to grow.)