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Explore and Play: Making Shadow Puppets

Design and create your own shadow puppet.


  • large shadow theater (see Large Shadow Theater learning center)
  • art supplies: crayons, markers, scissors, tape, Popsicle sticks or straws
  • camera or video recorder

Key Science Concepts

  • A shadow is created by an object blocking the light.
  • You can make shadows with your body and other objects.


Encourage children to use words like shadow, lamp, light, shine, outline, shape, solid, and dark. Also emphasize science process words like describe, compare, notice, and observe.


Note: This activity would benefit from an extra 10–15 minutes, if possible.

Tell children that they will make shadow puppets, which they’ll use later to put on a play.   

  1. Decide whether you want children to work together or individually in putting on a play—some may prefer to put on their own play while others may want to work together as a group.
  2. Tell children to think of a story they’d like to create in the large shadow theater and which puppets they will need to tell their story. They can use puppets they’ve made on other days or create a whole new cast of puppets for their play.
  3. Have children make puppets as they’ve done the last few days, adding a handle and testing out the puppets to make sure the shadows look the way they want them to look.
  4. Store the shadow puppets in the Large Shadow Theater center—children will perform their plays this afternoon.